Saturday, April 24, 2010

In which European countries is VICTOR a popular name?

if you were called victor, spoke with an accent, worked in england and were quite tanned (naturally) what country could you be from??

In which European countries is VICTOR a popular name?
Ask Victor! Then you will know -- and who knows what else you will discover.... :-)

In my opinion, Victor is a popular name for Russia and Latvia,

Reply:I had a housemate called Victor in london, he was from Madrid, Spain
Reply:Its a common name in Scandinavia aswell.
Reply:is a name from the easterns country, but in spain is popular too.
Reply:I think this is mostly popular in eastern european countries.
Reply:definitely Central European countries like Romania, serbia, etc....

( Do learn that the "eastern countries" are geografically right in the middle of europe and that countries like russia and georgia are in the east. Also remember that mont blanc is NOT the tallest peak in europe)
Reply:Does it matter to you that much his origin? What is the most attractive of his characteristics for you?

His name ? His accent ? Or his tan?

A combination of all could easily be Greece. But the name is not all that popular. In contrast, Italy is also a candidate if he was Vittorio, and so is for Spain.

Clear therefore, if he is Victor or Vittorio. And also, that he is not Victoria.

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