Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why is Esme such a popular name?

why is Esme such a popular name in books? yet i don't know anyone named Esme.

Why is Esme such a popular name?
It was popular a long time ago. That would be why it's in books where the characters are older. For example: Esme Cullen was born in the late 1800's or early 1900's. That name was popular then
Reply:Ignore the idiots claiming Esme was once a popular name. It's never been a popular name till recently, it was an obscure name.

Esme is a cool name because J.D. Salinger used it in the title of a short story. Since Salinger has long been in the pantheon of cool, it is by association cool to reference Salinger in a backhanded way. That's why it has enjoyed a recent popularity in books and pop music.
Reply:For Esme - With Love and Squalor was by J.D Salinger, but I don't think it's a particularly popular name within literature, no more than any other name. I guess it's just because it's a bit more unusual than Elizabeth or Katherine, so it stands out. I do know one girl called Esme though.
Reply:I don't know if its popular now but back in the day it just was

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