Friday, November 20, 2009

Is Noah a popular name in US?

I just noticed in answer to someone else's question, it was said Noah is very common. I live in Ireland and have just named my baby Noah and no one has heard of it before (apart from the Bible) and people think it's really unique.

Is Noah a popular name in US?
I personally only know of one Noah but the name must be common somewhere in the country because it ranked as the 15th boys name last year in the U.S. (I live in the Northeast.)

It is a cool name.
Reply:I only know of 2 or so Noah's but it's a nice name.
Reply:It's isn't rare but again not extremely common in the U.S.

My Grandson is named Noah,
Reply:Its not popular in the uk, i dont know of any Noah's. Its such a lovely name.
Reply:I don't think it's very common in the US
Reply:NOAH IS AWESOME. tho i dont think its popular.....I %26lt;3333 ittt
Reply:To a degree you wouldn't believe! LOL

It's in the top 15 and fast rising (likely top ten this year or next). The link below will show you how quickly it's climbed the list in the past few years.

I believe it's risen thanks to Biblical Jacob's nearly decade-long run at number-one. It seems that every parent who already HAS a Jacob finds Noah the ideal brother name. Likewise, religious parents attracted to Jacob but turned off by its well-known popularity seem to turn to Noah as a "less common" alternative. In fact, every boy I can think of born into my mother's church in the past two or three years has been named either Jacob, Noah or Jonah (rising on both their coattails, likely as a literal combination of the sound elements of both LOL).

So yes. It's become quite a common, predictable choice in the states. :)

Edit: Just had to mention how surprising I found the other replies (those thinking it still uncommon a choice). It's been in the top 50 MOST common given names for over a decade already. LOL
Reply:Noah is an adorable name and i don't think it is very common over here. i have only known one boy named that (besides in the bible lol)
Reply:Awwwwww! Thats such a cute boy name! Don't listen to what people say. Its really a cute name.
Reply:I know a few Noah's here. I wouldn't say that it is popular, but it isn't rare. It is a very nice name, however. Congratulations!
Reply:You're right no one in ireland is called Noah!! It's unique here (in Ireland) but it's a nice name, very cute and modern!
Reply:in the usa, it seems that it WILL be quite common b/c many people seem to want to name their babies this, but kids that have been born at least several yrs before now, i dont think many are named noah. i guess what im trying to say is that i think noah is kinda common, but is getting more and more common (in the usa).

personally, i love the name though. thats nice that its not common in ireland.
Reply:I don't think its overly common, not like John or Joshua is. I know one Noah and can think of one actor w/ that name... that's the extent of my experience with guys named Noah. I think it is a great name, good choice!
Reply:Fancy naming anyone after the guy who had the chance to get rid of flies, mosquitoes, spiders, and headlice, but chose to save them so they can pester us! Doh!

And he chose not to save the unicorn! Double Doh!!
Reply:Out of the top 1000 names on the social security admin. website, for the year 2006, Noah is #15. It's popularity has soared in the last 20 years, from a ranking of of 227 in 1986 and a ranking of 50 in 1996. I love the name too, but yes, you will be hearing a lot more of it soon, here in the US, when all the now infants start school.
Reply:It isn't very popular, but it isn't unheard of either.
Reply:Not that common mainly in South Carolina
Reply:It's quite popular here in the States, more and more every week. However, seeing as you are in Ireland, rejoice in the fact that you have a son with a truly rare name there and that fact that you have a munchkin to call your own :)
Reply:My son's name is Noah and it is not to common here. I have heard it a few times but no to often. I think it is such a cute name for a little boy. Congratulations on your new baby boy Noah!!!!

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